Handheld alcohol monitoring that enables individuals to discreetly submit tests while they continue daily
life activities
- Hand-held, portable breath alcohol content (Br/AC) monitoring device
- Executes regularly scheduled and on-demand remote alcohol testing
- Equipped with state-of-the-art, deep-lung fuel cell sensor that provides accurate numeric
Br/AC results - Date, time and precise location stamp at the time of each test
- High-resolution digital camera with front-panel lighting that takes a color picture of the
person taking the alcohol test
Qualifications – Lake or Porter County Resident
- Must have a verifiable place to live and the consent of the homeowner if the residence is not
owned by the program participant before release - Must possess and maintain an active home or cellphone at all times on the program
- Must agree to obtain a phone within 48 hours of release if one is not owned by the participant
at the time of release - Must agree to remain within the boundaries of Indiana or as authorized by the court
- Must have the ability to self-pay or be county indigent funded.
Qualifications – Non Lake or Porter County Resident
- Must pay a refundable $600 equipment security deposit prior to release
- Must have a verifiable place to live and the consent of the homeowner if the residence is not
owned by the program participant before release - Must possess and maintain an active home or cellphone at all times on the program
- Must agree to obtain a phone within 48 hours of release if one is not owned by the participant
at the time of release - Must agree to remain within the boundaries court designated county where ordered released
- Must have the ability to self-pay or be county indigent funded.
- Did your case derive out of another Jurisdiction? Check out our Transfer Program.